And working is inevitably one of them. Do you need productive working spaces? 1. The Cubicle Resident 2. The Deal Closer 3. The Hip Artist 4. The Marathon Mom 5. The Posh Connoisseur
Walk into any coffee shop in town and you’re bound to see a couple of people working on their laptops. If you’ve never been one of those people, I’m sure you’re wondering why they do it. There are tons of articles on the web explaining the café-office phenomenon, but this blogpost isn’t going to try and cover it all.
What it is going to do, however, is help you decide which cafés best suit the nature of your work and lifestyle. Sinouk Coffee has seven coffee shops throughout Vientiane, 10 including our franchises, so you’re bound to find the perfect coffice for your needs.
We acknowledge that the bulk of our customers are trapped in stifling cubicles, constantly disrupted by beeping printers, perpetually unanswered phone calls and every breath, cough, sneeze and sniffle of everyone around.
Well, we say you deserve a working environment that helps you hit that impossible sales target or bulldoze through spreadsheet after spreadsheet. Heck, you might just need a place to churn out three whole articles for your corporate blog in less than 24 hours (totally not speaking from experience).
If you feel a spiritual connection with everything I’ve just described, you need an environment that is open and spacious, with big, bright windows that open up to lush greenery to calm you down when you realise yet another deadline has been creeping up on you.
Lucky for you, that is the exact environment we have at Sinouk Coffee Pavilion. Being a little out of the city might be inconvenient, but the occasional escape from the cubicle farm that is your office might do your productivity some good!
TL;DR – for the office worker who needs a change of environment, try Sinouk Coffee Pavilion.
Things are going great for you—you’ve got clients everywhere waiting to sign contracts but you realise there’s no space to host them. An air-conditioned café with good Wi-Fi is your best bet, but choosing one is trickier than that.
The space must be professional; bustling but not busy, and of course, with respectable yet affordable coffee which makes paying for drinks a lot easier on your wallet. Finally, you want to choose a place that’s centrally located but far enough from the tourist districts to keep your environment conducive for negotiations.
If the above description is the kind of coffice you’re looking for, pay a visit to Café Sinouk Phonsinuane. It’s a double-storied, fully serviced café-restaurant that can host both casual meetings to serious contract negotiations. Even better, if you’re hosting a meeting with four or more people, there’s a meeting room equipped with a screen and projector on the second floor.
Who knows, your boss might decide to make this café your new office!
TL;DR – for the overachieving salesman with too many meetings, try Café Sinouk Phonsinuane.
Need to revise draft number 23 of a poster design for your client’s dog’s 6th birthday party? Squeeze out new campaign ideas for a new line of dish soaps? At Café Sinouk Khemkong, creativity flows just as smoothly as the freshly brewed coffee from our machines.
For creatives, you need large open windows that you can stare dazedly out of as you work out colour combinations, storylines and concept art in your head. Don’t be afraid of buzzing downtown cafes, as the hustle and bustle is exactly what you need to keep those creative juices flowing.
With tourists of more nationalities than you can count, youths with their fancy cameras and stylish outfits, businessmen and their cigarettes on the terrace, you’ll never spend the same day twice.
TL;DR – for the creative who needs to get out of a rut, try Café Sinouk Khemkong
I’m sure we all agree a mother’s work is one of the hardest out there. The distance mothers cover in a day’s work will surprise you—from dropping off the kids at school, getting to work, picking the kids up, paying the nanny, grocery shopping and the list goes on.
In the rare and valuable spare time that mothers do have, having a café near the kids’ school is almost akin to an oasis in the desert. It’s where you can stop to rest your legs, check your receipts, count your change and get some office work done while you’re at it.
At Sinouk Coffee, we know how precious time is, and we don’t want you spending it at the wrong place. Café Sinouk Sokpaluang is equipped with a kid’s zone to keep your children entertained while you sort out your own needs. It’s also a good place to meet up with your friends over a quick coffee before zipping off to run your next errand.
TL;DR – for mothers who wish they had a body double, try Café Sinouk Sokpaluang
We say “connoisseur”, but you don’t really have to be an expert at anything. After all, being posh is about pretending that you know things (we’re only half-joking).
It’s easy to waste the weekend away after a long and tiring week at work or school. For those who want to get productive on lazy days, a quiet, open-aired café works better than a bustling, enclosed space which might distract or add unnecessary stress on you to get more work done than you have to.
Café Sinouk Institut Francais (IFL) is the perfect place to open up your morning paper, sip on an espresso and get some light work done like replying emails and quick readings. The open space and small garden bring in fresh air that keeps you productive but not constantly on the edge of your seat. It’s the weekend after all, and you deserve a break!
TL;DR – for the early risers who want to get light work out of the way, try Café Sinouk IFL
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great Article!